Tag Archives: castle


Chanced upon an article on binge-watching on Entertainment Weekly recently and I realized why it is still my favourite source of entertainment news… it has put a name to my “hobby”!

There are other binge-watching related articles on EW.com, such as:

So anyway, I would just like to share my binge-watching experience!


I saw this on and off during my school days and it kickstarted my adoration for Jared Padalecki (not too keen on his character development on Gilmore Girls, though). When school finally ended, I took the opportunity to finish all SEVEN seasons. I borrowed the entire DVD collection from NLB, by the way.

I’m always fascinated by the relationship Lorelai and Rory have and wished I talked as fast and witty as either of them and had someone to spar my pop culture knowledge with.


Sadly, Singapore didn’t broadcast Supernatural past season 2 and my emotional well-being was left hanging in the balance after what took place after Sam’s ordeal. Since I didn’t watch every episode, I started from the pilot till season 4 and got caught up in the ‘Sam died’, ‘Dean went to hell and came back’ and ‘who is Castiel?’ questions along with the fandom.

It was rewarding and it is still my favourite show on TV. There’s mythical lore, brotherly love, funny meta-episodes and people to root for (very important factor). It can be quite painful to watch week by week but that is TV.


Catching up on five seasons of this was not easy. If you’re not crying about the lead character’s complicated and tragedy-filled life, you’re crying about the patients caught in the worst possible position ever. Not to mention all the action going on in the on-call room. Still the most addictive medical drama I watch.


Finally caught up with Castle all the way to the season 4 finale last year. The chemistry between Castle and Beckett is magnetic and I was so glad for the season 4 finale! There are interesting cases – vampires, zombies, ghosts, Bigfoot that help fuel Castle’s imaginative mind and frustrate Beckett who believes in facts and evidence. Cannot wait for season 6!



Polished two seasons of it over one weekend and my life was changed (for the week after). Matthew and Mary! How can two people lead such frustratingly connected lives and not be together! The 2011 Christmas episode served to be the best and I dread watching season 3 and the 2012 Christmas episode for fear of what it would do to my dream for Matthew and Mary.


This week was a crazy week in TV for me.

First of all, the ending of last week’s Grey’s Anatomy is still hanging over me like a cloud.

Secondly, I was sooo looking forward to the Castle Season 4 finale! I may have started it only three months ago but it doesn’t mean I feel any less than those who have been following the show since it first started.

Thirdly, I’ve started watching Sherlock! Yup, that’s the BBC series starting Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman. I started with Season 2 (but don’t worry, I will find and watch Season 1 as soon as I can) and I’ve been dreading to watch the last episode because it would mean that I have to live in misery till the next season premiere in January 2013. And the thing is, even though each episode is 90-minute long, there are only THREE episodes per season. WHY?

Anyway, I’ve come to learn that it is quite hard to watch it outdoors because I really have to control my laughter since Sherlock is such an amusing character… and of course, ALL THE SUBTEXT. But of course, he’s extremely intelligent and it’s really amazing how much he can tell from a single look.

Then, there was the Glee prom episode “Prom-asaurus” which made me really high (“What Makes You Beautiful” by Artie, Sam, Mike, Rory and Joseph) and then Santana/Quinn’s duet of “Take My Breath Away”. And also, Darren Criss’ cute ‘fro.

Lastly, because this is the month of May and there are too many season finales going on. 😦


RICHARD CASTLE: Because of everything we’ve been through together! Four years, I’ve been right here. Four years, I’ve been waiting for you to open your eyes and see that I’m right here, and I’m more than a partner. Every morning I bring a cup of coffee just so I can see a smile on your face because I think you are the most remarkable, maddening, challenging, frustrating person I’ve ever met. And I love you Kate, and if that means anything to you — if you love me at all — just don’t do this.

… I think you are the most remarkable, maddening, challenging, frustrating person I’ve ever met…

Seriously, I think that was the most romantic line uttered in that entire confession. Four years of tension and so many coffees later, it all comes down to this. And though I really wanted Beckett to find out the truth about her mother’s murder so that she could finally get closure, I guess we wouldn’t know until the next season in fall!

BTW Alexis’ graduation speech had me heading for the tissues too. Especially at the “always” part!!!

ALEXIS CASTLE: There are some people who are so much a part of us, they’ll be with us no matter what. They are our solid ground — our North Star — and the small, clear voices that will be in our hearts… always.


Richard Castle: If you’re stubborn enough to keep going, I’m stupid enough to go with you.


Ashley: Mr. Castle, have you ever been crazy about someone who’s determined to push you away?


Finally managed to start on Castle!

Completed Season 1 earlier this week and I’m now starting on Season 2.

Joanne: How do you get over it?
Beckett: You don’t. But one day you’ll wake up and you’ll find that you don’t mind carrying it around with you. At least that’s as far as I’ve come.
Joanne: Thank you, Detective.
Beckett: My name’s Kate.  If you ever need to talk…

– S01E07: Home Is Where The Heart Stops